Representation Matters: Sense8 And Me

Representation Matters: Sense8 And Me

The following is based on a tweet thread I made earlier this month, which I’ve adapted and re-written here. It contains spoilers for a specific scene in season 1 of Sense8, which I’ve written about from memory. There are no spoilers for season 2, as I’m saving it to...
Mass Effect and Me

Mass Effect and Me

Contains spoilers for the original Mass Effect trilogy. When the first Mass Effect video game released, I played it six times, back-to-back. A space opera with a diverse crew of aliens, it drew me into its world like no video game ever had. I couldn’t get enough of...
“Cisgender” is Not a Bad Word

“Cisgender” is Not a Bad Word

I’ve encountered a few people recently, none of who identify as trans, that have openly criticised or questioned the belief that they should consider themselves cisgender. As a trans woman on the internet who often talks openly about being trans, I’ve received my fair...